I've been working on a solution to provide the roaming of credentials users save in their view Sessions. Users do this mainly in web applications they use, but Office365 can be another reason people need to save credentials.
During this work I found no article that provided adequate information so I was spending hours on trial and error.
Windows Vista: C: Users current user AppData Roaming Microsoft Protect. Locate the CREDHIST file, right-click the file and select Properties. In the CREDHIST Propertes window, locate the Read-only box. Similar help and support threads. Thread, Forum. Accidentally denied my regular user account access to 'Network' dir. I have a computer running windows 7.
I'd like to share my findings with you since I managed to get everything to work as desired.
When you use VMWare View with floating assignment or clean up local profiles after logon you can expect that saved passwords won't be there after the next login. We have two 'by design' issues to overcome.
1: VMWare Persona Management does not support roaming the roaming part(!!!) of appdata
2: Windows has a portion of the credential vault stored in %localappdata%. This is by default no roamed location.
When searching for solutions you'll probably find the VMWare KB below. (KB: 2052573)
This, however, only addresses the first issue. The steps written in 'solution' will fix roaming of the roaming vault, but will not help allot since most applications write passwords to the non-roaming (localappdata) vault.
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A better article I found was : http://www.rsmusconsultingpros.com/roaming-vmware-horizon-credentials-with-microsoft-office-click-to-run/
The steps written did fix my issue, but step 2 (Enable Roam local settings folder) made me worry. Localappdata can get big in amount of data or number of files. Persona management will need alot of time to log off and this will impact performance on View hosts and file servers.
I was surprised to find out this 'persona management GPO' did not only enable roaming of the appdatalocal folder, but also appdatalocallow. Even with my tiny test Windows account this had a huge impact. All temp files including internet cache will be roamed.
Entire Solution:
Within your VMware group policy go to ComputerAdmin TemplatesClassic Admin TemplatesVmware View Agent ConfigPersona managementRoaming &
These combined settings gave me a profile with only the required folders in appdatalocal
-->CNG provides a model for private key storage that allows adapting to the current and future demands of creating applications that use cryptography features such as public or private key encryption, as well as the demands of the storage of key material. The key storage router is the central routine in this model and is implemented in Ncrypt.dll. An application accesses the key storage providers (KSPs) on the system through the key storage router, which conceals details, such as key isolation, from both the application and the storage provider itself. The following illustration shows the design and function of the CNG key isolation architecture.
To comply with common criteria (CC) requirements, the long-lived keys must be isolated so that they are never present in the application process. CNG currently supports the storage of asymmetric private keys by using the Microsoft software KSP that is included with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista and installed by default.
Key isolation is enabled by default in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. The key isolation feature is not available on platforms prior to these. Also, third party KSPs are not loaded in the key isolation service (LSA process). Only the Microsoft KSP is loaded in the key isolation service.
The LSA process is used as the key isolation process to maximize performance. All access to private keys goes through the key storage router, which exposes a comprehensive set of functions for managing and using private keys.
CNG stores the public portion of the stored key separately from the private portion. The public portion of a key pair is also maintained in the key isolation service and is accessed by using local remote procedure call (LRPC). The key storage router uses LRPC when calling into the key isolation process. All access to private keys goes through the private key router and is audited by CNG.
As described above, a wide range of hardware storage devices can be supported. In each case, the interface to all of these storage devices is identical. It includes functions to perform various private key operations as well as functions that pertain to key storage and management.
CNG provides a set of APIs that are used to create, store, and retrieve cryptographic keys. For a list of these APIs, see CNG Key Storage Functions.
CNG supports the following key types:
CNG supports the following key algorithms.
Algorithm | Key/hash length (bits) |
RSA | 512 to 16384, in 64 bit increments |
DH | 512 to 16384, in 64 bit increments |
DSA | 512 to 1024, in 64 bit increments |
ECDSA | P-256, P-384, P-521 (NIST Curves) |
ECDH | P-256, P-384, P-521 (NIST Curves) |
MD2 | 128 |
MD4 | 128 |
MD5 | 128 |
SHA-1 | 160 |
SHA-256 | 256 |
SHA-384 | 384 |
SHA-512 | 512 |
The Microsoft legacy CryptoAPI CSPs store private keys in the following directories.
Key type | Directories |
User private | %APPDATA%MicrosoftCryptoRSAUser SID %APPDATA%MicrosoftCryptoDSSUser SID |
Local system private | %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSAS-1-5-18 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoDSSS-1-5-18 |
Local service private | %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSAS-1-5-19 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoDSSS-1-5-19 |
Network service private | %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSAS-1-5-20 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoDSSS-1-5-20 |
Shared private | %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSAMachineKeys %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoDSSMachineKeys |
CNG stores private keys in the following directories.
Key type | Directory |
User private | %APPDATA%MicrosoftCryptoKeys |
Local system private | %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoSystemKeys |
Local service private | %WINDIR%ServiceProfilesLocalService |
Network service private | %WINDIR%ServiceProfilesNetworkService |
Shared private | %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoKeys |
The following are some of the differences between the CryptoAPI and CNG key containers.
When persisting a key, CNG can create two files. The first file contains the private key in the new CNG format and is always created. This file is not usable by the legacy CryptoAPI CSPs. The second file contains the same private key in the legacy CryptoAPI key container. The second file conforms to the format and location used by Rsaenh.dll. Creation of the second file only occurs if the NCRYPT_WRITE_KEY_TO_LEGACY_STORE_FLAG flag is specified when the NCryptFinalizeKey function is called to finalize an RSA key. This feature is not supported for DSA and DH keys.
When an application attempts to open an existing persisted key, CNG first attempts to open the native CNG file. If this file does not exist, then CNG attempts to locate a matching key in the legacy CryptoAPI key container.
When you move or copy CryptoAPI keys from a source machine to a target machine with Windows User State Migration Tool (USMT), CNG will fail to access the keys on the target machine. To access such migrated keys, you must use the CryptoAPI.