Bad or Incompatible Device Driver: Device Name ROOT UNKNOWN 0000; View the Setupapi.log file If the device has a meaningful name, use the information in the Setupapi.log file to determine the cause of an unknown device. By default, the Setupapi.log file is located in the%SystemRoot% folder. Sometimes the listed device name can be misleading. Manufacturer: Unknown. Location: Unknown. Device status: This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed (Code 24) Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device. Device usage: Use this device (enable)-Serial PropertiesDriver tab: Serial. Service name: Serial. Unknown device root serial 0000. Re: Windows 10 Device Manager Unknown Device ROOT NET 0001. In fact removing the devices and re-scanning for them did result in them staying removed. Which suggests that Windows botched a device driver installation for some other device at some point, and left phantom devices in place. To correct the error, you'll have to update your drivers. You can refer to the Code 1 'This device is not configured correctly. (Code 1) section of this article for clear troubleshooting steps. Update us if the information above addressed your concern.
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