We have 9 questions and 10 answers for Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. Wondering how I can attack my own vassal just becaue. When I'm playing online, other players seem to attack. I build guided missiles. I can transfer them to citie. How to Use Civilization IV's Worldbuilder. Civilization IV Comes with 'World Builder' which enables you to create any Map, World or anything else on the Game. Here are a few ways in which you can use that to your own wants.
Go to the Civ4 game directory and open Civ4Config.CheatCode = 0 and change it to CheatCode = chipotle
Open up a game and hit the '. The console will open
and type in 'help'. A list of all the cheats will appear.
Heres an example of using a cheat.
Player.setGold 0 10000
Cheats Code:
Open CivilizationIV.ini in your Documents and Settings
<username>My GamesSid Meier's Civilization 4 and then search for CheatCode.
Change CheatCode = 0 to CheatCode = chipotle
This will give you access to the game console, which can be activated by pressing aka tilde.
.help .. - show help for commands or groups
Sound.noMusic - Stop the Music
Sound.reload - Reloads Audio Scripts
Sound.stopSoundScape - Stops Soundscape from playing
Sound.play string fileName - Play Sound - AS2D, AS3D, ASSS
Graphics.FindBlackPlotsAndCities - Finds entities with black emissivity
Graphics.HideAttachables - Hide Attachables.
Graphics.ForceLightingUpdate - Forces a light update on all entities.
Graphics.ReBuildTerrain - Rebuild Terrain and Lighting
Graphics.SetHillScale float scale - set Hill scale
Graphics.SetPeakScale float scale - set Peak scale
Graphics.setWaterHeight float height - set water plane height
Graphics.quadTreeDepth int depth - set render depth for quad tree
Graphics.toggleWater - show/hide water
Graphics.displayTerrain bool bOn - Display terrain
Graphics.toggleGridMode - show/hide grids
Graphics.showTexturePalette - dump texture palette
Graphics.setTextureMode bool bOn - set texturing
Graphics.setWireframe bool bOn - set wireframe
Profile.morphGlobe int count - Morphs the globeview count times.
Profile.rebuildCity int plotX, int plotY, int count - Rebuilds plot at plotX,plotY count times.
Profile.rebuildPlot int plotX, int plotY, int count - Rebuilds plot at plotX,plotY count times.
Profile.dumpAnimLog - Dumps animation info to debugging window
Profile.setSpikeThreshold int millis - set the min time to capture spikes, 0 to disable spikelock
Console.History - Dump the console command history
Console.CreateDocumentation string fileName - Writes HTML documentation for the current console commands
Console.Clear - Clears the console
Log.status - Displays current logging status
Log.toggle - Toggles logging
Log.clear - Clears the log file
Map.empty - Erases units and cities from map
Map.fill - Fills map with units and cities for performance testing
Map.generateGoodies - Replots Goodies
Map.generateBonuses - Replots Bonuses
Map.generateFeatures - Replots Features
Map.generateRivers - Replots Rivers
Map.eraseGameElements - Erases Rivers, Features, Bonuses and Goodies
Map.replaceGameElements - Replaces Rivers, Features, Bonuses and Goodie
Map.setActiveLandscapeID int iLandscapeID - Changes the active landscape info
Map.erasePlots - Erases all plots
Xml.reloadGameText - Reloads Game Text xml files
Xml.reloadLandscapeInfo - Reloads Civ4TerrainSettings.xml
Xml.reloadArtDefines - Reloads Civ4ArtDefines.xml
How to write a fortran program. Game.toggleTextureAccessInfo - toggles the output of texture loads/accesses to debug output
Game.AIPlay int iNumTurns - Forces the AI to play for iNumTurns
Game.createSelectedUnitKFs - Creates the sequences associated with the selected unit
Game.freeSelectedUnitKFs - Frees the sequences associated with the selected unit
Game.saveWorldBuilderSave string szWBSaveName - Saves a WorldBuilder save description file
Game.toggleAnimationTest - Will toggle the Animation Test Tool
Game.gfcDirChooser - Will show a gfc directory chooser
Game.gfcfiledlg - Will show a gfc file dlg window
Game.testGFC int iFontNum - Will show a GFC test popup
Game.testFont bool bEnable - Will show a test popup
Game.testPythonPopup - Will show the Python test popup
Game.testPopup - Will show a test popup
Game.scrollBottom - Scroll to the Bottom
Game.scrollTop - Scroll to the Top
Game.clear - Will clear the listbox below
Game.helpScreen - Will display the help popup
Game.toggleDebugMode - Toggles debug mode
Game.showWBPalette bool bCreate - debugging
App.calcFolderChechsum string dirName - Computes an md5 checksum for the directory tree specified
App.setMooseDbg2 int value - sets debugging value
App.setMooseDbg1 int value - sets debugging value
App.takeFullScreenShot - Takes a TGA FULL screen shot in .ScreenShot. Filenames are sequential. Requires AllowScreenShots=1 in ini.
App.takeScreenShot - Takes a TGA screen shot in .ScreenShot. Filenames are sequential. Requires AllowScreenShots=1 in ini.
App.setMaxFrameRate float framesPerSec - set the max framerate of the app, 0 to disable
App.setIniFile string groupKey, string key, string value - updates an existing value in the ini file
App.crash - cause the app to crash
App.getBuildTime - return the application link time
Player.testUnitIter int playerIdx - test player unit iteration
Player.changeGold int playerIdx, int gold - changes a players gold - 0 is Active Player
Player.setGold int playerIdx, int gold - sets a players gold - 0 is Active Player